Monday, February 10, 2014

Holiday Special

I have decided that since every music artist and TV show have a holiday special, I get one too.  And fair warning - this post has nothing to do with medical school.  So if that is the only reason you keep reading, I'm sorry to disappoint.  You can stop reading now, or not....  As Captain Planet says, "The power is yours!"  But let's not kid ourselves, I really just wanted to share all my fun pictures with everyone.  The words are not that important.

Anyways, my family got the pleasure of my company for the holidays!  They were extremely happy.  Especially my parents, for we all know that without me their lives have no purpose (love you mom and dad!)

The holiday season started with a gift exchange party among my college friends in Denver.  I met these five amazing people my freshman year of college.  I am very fortunate that they have remained friends with me through my crazy moods and schedules of medical school.  For the past two years we have had a rotating Sunday night dinner.  We take turns hosting and cooking.  It's been great having them as a consistent support group.  And they know me so well!  I got a lunch box that says Human Organ for Transplant and a doctor nutcracker.  The next week I took my exam and hopped on a plane home.

We of course had the annual Wilson Holiday Party.  Mom and I baked up a storm the day after I got back.  I was extremely pleased with our Christmas tree made out of rice crispy treats.  It was great seeing family and friends again after being away from so long.  And the weather was perfect unlike last year when our party got rained on.  This year the Wilson Family had a Holiday staycation.  We went to a fabulous Christmas Eve party, had a lazy Christmas morning, enjoyed dinner with the extended family.
The next few days were spent doing things local that we haven't done before, like exploring point Reyes and taking CJ to the beach for the first time.  I was even home for my mom's birthday.  We went to the Melting Pot and ate tons of melting cheese and chocolate.  Overall it was perfect.
Christmas Morning

I was real lucky to be able to catch up with some high school friends I haven't seen in years.  My bestie recently got engaged so my other bestie and me threw her and her fiance a surprise engagement party.  We made a pretty good party planning team.  Fall back job for sure if this whole doctor thing doesn't work out.  Boy was she surprised!  The timing just worked out perfectly with everyone being home for the holidays.  It couldn't have gone better and was really fun play 'what have you been up to these last 3 years' with everyone.
The Party Planners

New Years was pretty laid back.  I hung out with friends and played board games.  I learned this new intense game that involved aliens with special powers trying to colonize other people's was confusing, but fun!.  Though that might sound lame to some of you, that's my idea of a rockin' night.

Well, that was my Holiday Special!  Hope you enjoyed it even though it is a month and a half late.    

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