Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blazin' around Baltimore/Passing thru Philly/Drivin' from Denver with aStop in Salt Lake/Settle back in Sebastopol

Warning: from here until I get bored with it or run out of ideas (which will probably come first), all titles will be witty (fingers crossed) alliterations.  :)

What a whirlwind the past 6 weeks have been!  At the end of August I flew out to Baltimore to spend time with my Amazin' Amy!  She is studying Cellular and Molecular Medicine at Johns Hopkins (aka she's super smart).  While there reminiscing about our childhood, I did some simple math and figured out that Amy is my oldest school friend.  We started Kindergarten together and 20 years later we're still going strong!  During high school we would talk about how she would be this awesome PhD doing all this research and I would be her clinical physician to carry it out in trial.  It's pretty weird now to realize that we are both doing exactly what we said we would.  Anyway, she's fabulous and I had tons of fun with her and her BF.

Our reunion improved greatly with the additions of more great friends, Rockin' Rachel and Dandy Dan.  They are in Occupational therapy (OT) grad school in Charleston, SC (aka they too are super smart) and just happened to already be in Washington DC.  While Amy abandoned us for her lab rats (aka she had to go to work since it was a weekday), the three of us explored Baltimore.  It was great not having any agenda and just enjoying the day with each other.  I'm so glad that even with the long distance and the busy schedules that these childhood friendships have not only remained strong but have grown and deepened over the years.  It was good for me to be with non medical school friends the night before my physical board exam.  They forced me not to over study and made sure I had everything I needed to succeed.  It was a much needed quick trip with wonderful people.

From Baltimore I took the train to Philly.  Every osteopathic medical student in the country travels here for this one day exam.  This is basically a full day of being a doctor with standardized patients in clinical settings.  You see the patient, take a history, do your exam and treatment and then immediately document it all in the computer.  What makes this the most stressful are the time restraints.  But I survived and just found out that I passed!

After 15 hours in Philly, I jumped on a flight to Denver where I was met by my Mom who flew in earlier that day.  From there we packed up my car with some essentials and road tripped it home.  First leg of the journey was to Salt Lake City where I met up with my "first adult friend" Katie and her new husband Jesse.  They were super nice and let us stay with them for the night; Jesse even cooked a delicious dinner for us.  It was great to see them after so long!  The next day was a big push from Salt Lake all the way home.

Alex's Birthday Dinner
The next was month was spent home taking an online pediatric radiology course.  It was nice to be able to relax a little and keep my own schedule.  I got to catch up with family and friends.  I was able to participate in several things while I was home.  One of those things is harvesting the hops.  This was my first harvest and it was a real interesting process.  I was also able to attend some wedding planning things with my wonderful bride-to-be-bestie Leah.  It was fun to join in.  During this time I also submitted all my residency applications.  Now I am just trying to plan the interview offers as they come in.  This month I travel down to Fresno for pediatric plastic surgery...I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes!          

Wedding Expo
Harvesting the Hops

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