Friday, April 26, 2013

Halfway There!!!

Hello One and All!

So big news of the week - I finished my second year of medical school! I'm half way there! I took my last exam for classwork yesterday! It's hard to believe that two years have flown by! What started as a dream as a little girl has bloomed into reality. I remember telling everyone that I was going to be a doctor when I grew up and now I'm almost there! In just two years I will actually be a doctor! The next two years is going to be spent learning in the hospital (called rotations) and actually seeing patients! I'm so excited! I'm moving down to Pueblo at the beginning of August and will be on rotations in the hospital down there for the year.

But before all that, I have to take boards :( My boards are scheduled for the end of June so I have two months of intense prep and studying before. I'm asking for prayers, luck, and whatever good juju you can send my way! After boards I will have a little less than two weeks at home in California before heading back for a 2 week training program before rotations begin. Everything seems to be falling into place :)

Tomorrow I leave for Guatemala for a medical mission trip. I am so excited to be finally giving back using skills I have been honing for the past two years. I will be sure to tell you all about it when I get back in 10 days :) Thank you so much for all your love and support! I am so grateful for every blessing in my life! And a special thank you for my parents who give so selflessly everyday. They are the kind of person I am striving to be and a constant example of goodness for me to look up to.

I love you all!

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