Monday, May 6, 2013

Denver to Guatemala

Last Saturday I started an amazing journey to Guatemala for a medical mission trip.  I'm home now (which means safe drinking water, Internet, and warm showers) and will update this blog about my adventure.  We left Denver bright and early at 6am.  Flight to Houston was unremarkable while Houston to Guatemala City caused some excitement.  We were all prepared for landing when the captain made an announcement that another plane was broken down on the landing strip and that we might have to land in Honduras instead.  Needless to say that would really put a damper on our plans.  Luckily, after circling the airport for about 20 minutes we were given the all clear to land at 1:30 pm.  Customs was uneventful and we were met at the door with our transportation which was a Chicken Bus.  This bus was brightly painted and all the luggage was loaded onto the roof and strapped down. 

The drive out of Guatemala City was crowded and it took us about an hour to reach Antigua.  Our hotel in Antigua was beautiful.  All the rooms lined an indoor hallway on one side with windows and doors of the rooms entering this hallway.  We were all together and it reminded me of college dorms.  We set out quickly to explore the town.  Some of the fourth years on the trip with us had been before so they steered us in the right direction of excellent food and the places to see.  Our hotel was right on the main square which housed a very unique fountain and a great big church. 

There's a lot of ruins just scattered throughout the city.  The roads and sidewalks are all made of cobblestone, which is not nice on open toes.  The doorways the line the side walk open into gorgeous courtyards decked out with flowers and fountains; little hidden gardens in the middle of the buildings.  Our group contained a husband and wife with their 6 year old daughter that they adopted from Guatemala when she was born.  They had actually lived in the city while completing the adoption process and therefore knew all the secrets.  The entire family was just a joy to get to know.  They explained how the women in the city come to this one fountain to wash their clothes.  It was really nice of them to show us the sights. 

We ended up watching the sun go down on the roof at a place called the Sunset Bar. It was there I discovered how delicious real cane sugar is.  While there we actually met with another group of doctors doing some surgical work in the city.  It was fun swapping stories and talking shop. It's always nice when doctors take the time to share with students.  The extra encouragement never hurts.  The night ended with some dancing and live music in one of the hidden courtyards that we just happened upon.  Then it was to bed for us all for the next day was a group breakfast followed by several hours on the bus heading to the next location.   

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