Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day on the Water

 Wednesday we said goodbye to Panajachel via boat.  We were off to the town of San Antonio.  Before we left though, I had the most amazing banana pancakes for breakfast.  The veterans would not stop talking about them since the beginning of the trip so I had to try them.  The boat ride across the lake gave me a different perspective of how the towns are situated.  Panajachel is appeared to be the only one that had some flat land.  All the rest we passed, San Antonio especially, are built vertically up the mountain from the shore of the lake.  Walking up those hills to the center of town was difficult, especially for those hauling the medical supply bags.
San Antonio
That day I worked with Dr. Kesden who is in primary care in Florida.  He makes this trip every year.  I learned so much working with him.  He let me take charge and run the show.  They were my patients and he was there for support and to answer my questions.  Once again children and women dominated the clinic.  The big winners were cataracts, joint pain, and cough.  No wonder they all have joint pain.  I would too climbing all those hills with a child strapped onto my back and everything else on top of my head.  Also, the chronic cough is from having an open fire to cook with in the home without proper ventilation.  It's incredible how much these women endure in their everyday life.  Just add to the list of things I take for granted.

I did become a pro at checking eyes and using my ophthalmoscope.  It was another day where we were gifted with lunch, once again unexpected but greatly appreciated.  I feel like I really got to try some truly authentic food.  This time it was a spicy chicken soup and tamales.  Also hibiscus tea, which is a specialty drink there and also a natural diuretic.  After all our work was down, we once again had time to explore.  San Antonio is known for it's Palopo Pottery.  It is really beautiful.  I made sure to gift myself with a coffee mug or two.  The boat ride back to Panajachel was uneventful.  It was another early night with most of us turning in shortly after dinner.   


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