Saturday, May 11, 2013

Last Day of Clinic

Thursday brought us back to the town of Solola, but this time in a firehouse.  It was my favorite day, for we just saw children only.  I was in pediatric heaven.  We saw a lot of kids complaining of stomach pain.  Turns out the majority of them had parasites or worms.  Also a lot of cavities again.  We handed out multivitamins, toothbrushes, soap, lotion, shampoo, and lots and lots of stickers.

It was our fourth day of surprise lunch.  The generosity in this country is amazing.  In the middle of the afternoon we were visited by the office of the First Lady of Guatemala.  We were all given a certificate of appreciation to thank us for our service.  Dr. Bentley has been taking groups to Guatemala for 13 years and she says that this is the first time anything like that has happened.  It's also the first time that lunch has been provided. 

After an amazing four days it was nice ending with the kids.  I learned so much, not only in medicine but in mission work in general.  I definitely want to do another one in the future.  I would go back in a heart beat.  There is so much work that can still needs to be done. 

That night we had a group dinner with everyone.  It was really nice and a delicious meal.  Afterwards we went out for some drinks, games, and dancing.  It was so much fun!  I always am up for dancing.      


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