Saturday, May 11, 2013

From Ziplines to Chocolate

Friday was a day for fun and travel.  We started the day off with a Tuk Tuk ride, the local taxi, to a neighboring bay to go zip lining.  It felt like a clown car when we all got it.  The zip line was a series of 7 different lines with 3 of them taking over a minute to complete.  Once we were all geared up and had been taught how to break, we had a 30 minute hike up the mountain to the starting point.  Along the way we saw monkeys and some other animals I can't name.  We passed waterfalls, crossed swinging bridges, and saw beautiful views looking out over the lake.  It was a very tiring, but rewarding hike. 

So I really don't like heights all the much but I do enjoy the feeling of getting a little freaked out beforehand and then overcoming the fear.  It's exhilarating!  What a fantastic experience!  And it was a great way to see the sites.  Panajachel looked beautiful down below. 

After our adventure we had a little less than two hours before we had to be on the bus for Antigua.  Well of course I used that time to finally do some shopping in Panajachel.  On the way back to Antigua, we stopped on the side of the road in order to get a picture of the cemetery.  So the cemeteries here are really colorful little structures.  They sit above the ground like in Louisiana but are painted bright colors. 

Once back in Antigua we had more time to explore.  A few of us went to the chocolate museum and learned all about the history of chocolate.  The we did some taste testing and made our own concoction of hot chocolate.  It was really good.  We also stopped by McDonalds.  The McDonalds here are fancy.  They have a separate section called McCafe that looks more like a Starbucks.  It was really weird.  There was even a fountain in an outdoor garden eating area.  The night was causal for all with dinner and relaxing games.  I went to bed early since the next day began with a 6am bus ride to hike a volcano.   

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